This was how the story was told - Wednesday, August 25, 2010

on that note..
i've been feeling a little under the weather lately
and the doctor said that it's just gastric
silly me
having a high metabolic rate and still drinking
yakult. haha.
so today while puking into the toilet bowl
at the Bugis library
guess what happened.
of all things to happen to me.
no celebrity sighting
no meeting of a crazy person
(except when i looked into the mirroe)
not even a stuck toilet bowl.
I got shocked by the toilet bowl
flushing in my face because of the
bloody sensor
i even shrieked.
worse the lady in the cubicle beside me
later gave me a stare saying i know
you're anorexic girl...
well, who could blame her.
fat vomiting girl.
that's what you get.

Today, just for the convenience of it
i went to visit my toddler cousin
we played, laughed, giggled
when it struck me that
it's been a really really long time
since i had that much fun
Once in awhile I act like a child to feel like a kid again
It gets like a prison in the body I'm living in
Cause everyone's watching and quick to start talking
I'm losing my innocence
Wish I were a little girl without the weight of the world
It seems that after growing up
hugs were no longer meant for grandparents
and love meant buying something
why can't it be time well spent together
It would be nice to start over again
Before we were men
I'd give, I'd bend, lets play pretend
Since when
did time become too little to spend
with family and relatives
from when did being happy seem
so far away
Remember the times we had soda for wine
And we got by on gratitude
The worst they could do to you was check your attitude
Yeah when fights were for fun, with water in guns,
And a place we could call our own
How we lost hold of home I guess Ill never know
I would like it very much to go back
to having simple pleasures
to being able to laugh just because.
Smiling with others just for.
Hugging just to love.
And when its the end,
Our lives will make sense
Well love, well bend, lets play pretend
It's not going to be long before were all gone with nothing to show for them
Stop taking lives, come on lets all grow up again
but oh well..
i suppose i'm as childish as they get
all my friends already do say that
i'm slightly overly cheery.
I suppose that once upon a time
can only be renewed
with children the age of my heart.
This was how the story was told - Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Note to all out there:
I hate people who don't listen on the phone.
If i say my dad will be back at 10 plus or 11
I do not think it means 9.30
And i don't think you would know my dad's schedule
better than i do.
P.S Did your mom never taught how
to read a clock.

People who don't listen on the phone = idiots
even my 5 year old cousin can do better than that.
I hate people who don't listen on the phone.
If i say my dad will be back at 10 plus or 11
I do not think it means 9.30
And i don't think you would know my dad's schedule
better than i do.
P.S Did your mom never taught how
to read a clock.

People who don't listen on the phone = idiots
even my 5 year old cousin can do better than that.

I love to sing
but people just have to make life difficult
by adding evaluation to the equation
I am a question to the world
Not an answer to be heard
Or a moment
That's held in your arms
And what do you think you'd ever say?
I won't listen anyway
You don't know me
And I'll never be what you want me to be
And what do you think you'd understand?
I'm a boy, no, I'm a man
You can't take me
And throw me away
And how can you learn what's never shown?
Yeah, you stand here on your own
They don't know me
Cause I'm not here
And I want a moment to be real
Wanna touch things I don't feel
Wanna hold on and feel I belong
And how can the world want me to change?
They're the ones that stay the same
They don't know me
Cause I'm not here
And you see the things they never see
All you wanted I could be
Now you know me
And I'm not afraid
And I want to tell you who I am
Can you help me be a man?
They can't break me
As long as I know who I am
They can't tell me who to be
Cause I'm not what they see
Yeah, the world is still sleepin while I keep on dreaming for me
And their words are just whispers and lies that I'll never believe
#Chorus I'm the one now
Cause I'm still here x2
I'm still here x3
I seriously don't understand
why can't I sing out loud
why can't anyone
Singing is A FEELING
not a technique
This was how the story was told - Monday, August 23, 2010

Motto for A'levels:
To strive to the best
even if i keep falling
and to pick myself up
and continue to the end
Today was when i realized that
in this world you are all alone
no matter what happens no matter how tragic
no matter how horrible no one will care.
The world won't stop, neither will time
however bad your math paper is
nah huh
time ain't gonna stop for you.
So i better study while i can
soar while there's still time.
One of these days you'll be under the covers
You'll be under the table and you'll realize
That all of your days are numbered, all of them one to one hundred
All of them millions, all of them trillions
So what are you gonna do with them all?
You can not trade them in for more, no, no
Take every moment, you know that you own them
It's all you can do, use what's been given to you
Gimme a reason to fight the feeling
That there's nothing here for me
'Cause none of it's easy, I know it wasn't meant to be
I know it's all up to me, it's all up to me
So what am I gonna do with my time?
I'll take every moment, I know that I own them
It's all up to you to do whatever you choose
Live like you're dying and never stop trying
It's all you can do, use what's been given to you
All of the moments you didn't notice gone in the blink of an eye
And all of the feelings you can't help feeling no matter how you try
Take every moment, you know that you own them
It's all up to you to do whatever you choose
Live like you're dying and never stop trying
It's all you can do, use what's been given to you
Live like you're dying and never stop trying
It's all up to you, use what's been given to you
This was how the story was told - Sunday, August 22, 2010

Today was just plain fun
the whole day was like total drama
I, we, experienced sadness, joy frustration, exhilaration
almost everything right
talk about peaks and troughs.
Started out ok but...
I'm just listening to the clock go ticking,
I am waiting as the time goes by.
I think of you with every breath I take,
I need to feel your heartbeat next to mine.
You're all I see, in everything.
Esplanade was just fun
food, food and more food
i don't think KY's family eats little
i'll never believe it again.
Then the cute Korean David Choi
Note to self:
Will never get caught in crowd again
I just wanna hold you,
I just wanna kiss you,
I just wanna love you all my life.
I normally wouldn't say this,
but I just can't contain it.
I want you here forever,
right here by my side.
The long walk to the new Marina Sands was
eye-opening. laughter. sweat. calorie burning.
I saw The TORCH.
Yup. YOG torch. what a waste of CO2
Then we saw wastage of electricity with
lights and aircon and unused fans and screens
but what's life without them right.
All the fears you feel inside,
and all the tears you cry,
they're ending right here.
I'll heal your heart and soul;
I'll keep you oh so close.
Don't worry; I'll never let you go.
You're all I need, you're everything.
With everything expensive and pricy
all we could do at Marina Sands was eat.
So chocolate ice-blended and cheesecake it is
fattening but oh-so-good~~~
grins. Oh well,
at least we enjoyed the coin well with
funny sound systems
and sexy slit walkers with a nice butt
my first and probably only time.
I just wanna hold you,
I just wanna kiss you,
I just wanna love you all my life.
I normally wouldn't say this,
but I just can't contain it.
I want you here forever,
right here by my side.
The walk back was nice
though tired and Sezairi sang awfully well
KY twirled me around like a princess
though not successful with me being fat
but it was sweet. melts me.
Of course who can forget the HOT
Spain basketballers. ONLY good thing from YOG
Hot young guys.Sigh...
No one else will ever do.
I got a stubborn heart for you.
Call me crazy, but its true; I love you.
I didn't think that it would be,
you have made it clear to me.
You're all I need.
Then a comfortable ride home
Oh my love
can't tell you how much these moments
mean to me.
reminds me how fortunate i am
amidst all the horror of math and
frustration of studying.
you know...
I just wanna hold you,
I just wanna kiss you,
I just wanna love you all my life.
I normally wouldn't say this,
but I just can't contain it.
I want you here forever,
right here by my side.
That's all i wanna do.