This was how the story was told - Monday, January 04, 2010

I've not blogged for a long long time.
but i just have to say many things today.
I had dance rehearsal in school today,
and people who know me well
will know that i hate dancing.

i say again, i just detest dancing.
It's not really cos i'm the fat girl
that cannot dance,
just that dancing is not,
N-O-T, NOT in my blood.
It's just not me.

But after i've joined this cca,
i've no choice but to dance.
You can say that i'm being forced
or perhaps I'm the kind that just can't say no.
either way, i had to start picking up dance.

At first, when i started, i really could not stand
every single session of moaning and groaning
of stretches and workouts.
Sometimes i even envy those girls with dance
background and can easily get the dance moves.

I can't or rather, I cannot.
I've no bit of hippy groovey bitsy blood in my veins
sigh...It's hard to admit but I can't dance.
somehow though, after years (or what seems like it)
of training and dancing so many different dances,
i realize that maybe i'm not that bad after all.

I'm in my cca's open house dance and i find it...
surprisingly, quite enjoyable.
I'm not being scolded every rehearsal which is
a relief. but i'm not sure i'm entirely safe.
you never know till you've finish the dance.
nevertheless, i'm quite happy at my own
improvement! yay!

In a blink of an eye, 2010 is here!
I really don't know if i should be gald or sad.
2010 has so many things to do and i'm kinda
apprehensive in overcoming all the obstacles.
but no matter what, i know i have the support of my friends
and most importantly, God's strength!

So my new year resolution is simple.
To become closer to god.

I Pray

I pray each day be a brand new day
fill with love, peace and joy
let me not keep too many grievances
that will cause me to cry.

Let me not bottle up true feelings i wanna say
for too long a time, be it a day
May each minute be a reminder
of His beauty and grace.

I pray for forgiveness for every sin I have
May God cleanse me, a whole new slate again
Let each small miracle be filled in my life
To show me each creation's will to survive

And if I be weary or tired or sad
Let sunshine and wind and rain flush my face
And if I forget the true meaning of life
God, remind me to pray once again.

I pray.

There we go!
My new year resolution!
Happy 2010 everybody!