Forgetfulness - a gift of God bestowed upon debtors in compensation for their destitution of conscience. -Ambrose Bierce
Haha. I'm like sitting in the library no
with Shuana, mass blogging!
Actually it's just the two of us...so yea.
I'm like super stressed this week.
Shauna or nay other classmates
in that matter, can testify.
I'm like a time-bomb.
And i go crazy all the time
forgetting to bring stuff.
Today i forgot to bring
Mivio her black ballet flats
that she needs for Founder's day dance.
I'm so sorry.
Apparently, 3 other girls also didn't bring
so we're all fighting for the one in the black studio.
I totally like neeeedddd sleeeeppp
that or a boyfriend.
Something or someone who can cheer me up
no matter when and where.
It seems to be getting harder these days.
Not even food can cheer me up.
i don't even feel like eating.

We're gonna have cross-country today and
SOMEONE decided that it was ok NOT
So now, me and Shauna will be going to dinner
though i don't think she's bothered
cos she'll be hanging out with her boyfriend.
Leaving us two single-ladies
to fend for ourselves
*sad face*
My prayer for today
is to be so not insane
and to be the girl
that everyone can love
once again.