This was how the story was told - Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I think that i'm the
worst person on earth.
I totally like ignored this
close friend for 2 days.
And he still tries so hard
to understand what's wrong.

And it's all cos a small issue.
I know i'm being petty
but i just can't help it.
My heart cringes every time
i think of the incident.
The worst part is:
He's my crush.

You would think that i should
be nicer to him.
so that he'll like me more.
But no....
instead i IGNORE him
for 2 whole days.

It's not like i'm his anything
so yea, he doesn't need to
report to me 24/7.
But he told me one thing and did
another, and it doesn't seem to affect him.
Perhaps my bro's right,
to him, it just a small issue.


This was how the story was told - Friday, October 16, 2009

OMG! it's raining like siao. now.
And you know what? during AC games
somemore. xian....
Count down: 2 months to Japan trip!
Yay! and double yay!

i've decided to call myself V.M
For Monte Christo. haha. wanna know wat V.M is?
then you'll have to come watch CMC.
damn sad lar.
Publicize also must do it on blog.

sooo....cold now.
but truthfully ar i don't mind all the rehearsals.
it's the scrutiny and the mind games that
make me go crazy for like as long as rehersals last.
seriously. Why can't ppl live a happy and relaxed life.

Gotta Go now. i PROMISE i'll TRY to update more often!


Simmy! my love and darling forever and ever.
Ryan my dear brother. Jia you for O's
CLive! my brother in christ and bestest buddy!