they look sweet together..don't you think?
This was how the story was told - Saturday, February 24, 2007
This was how the story was told - Friday, February 23, 2007

Cute right???
i'll put the song up one day...
Tank sang it so credit
should go to him too...
His songs are all really nice...
His looks are not bad too....
my frens all call me Hua Chi...
looks like it huh...hahs
Guess what!!!
my class won this chinese debate!!!
i know that you might say
:"so what!"
I'll tell you what!
There's this girl called Nuo Yi...
and this lame teacher said that
she can't debate!!!Hah
what rubbish!
She got so upset that she cried...
i felt so sad for her...
they say that it's unfair to
have China ppl in a chinese debate...
but i think that china ppl will
improve our Singapore chinese
and Singapore will become a all rounded
anyways...She became the best speaker
for todays debate!!!
I was so happy for her!!!
She totally deserves it...
Love you girl...
This proves that An obstacle
can improve a person....
Strive on girl!!!
I'll be here for you always...
This was how the story was told - Wednesday, February 21, 2007
This was how the story was told - Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Guess what did i do for the New year....
NOthing!!! haha...
practically nothing....
except eat and sleep and watch TV....
Yes i did go for visitations and stuff...
but well...nothin more....
sad though....
my red packets add up to quite a small amount...
sigh...there goes my laptop....
anyway...saw lots of cousins and blah...
but yesterday i went to Heidi's house....
yup! noel was there too
we took pictures....
but guess what!!!!
She has a scanned signature of
fei lun hai!!!!
so cute....
Especially Chun...
He totally has that gentleman face....
I hear that he's family is one of the top 5
riches in his hometown...
whoever is his wife is lucky lucky lucky!!!
what crap am i talking about...
i just love holidays...
don't you ;D
This was how the story was told - Thursday, February 01, 2007
i went to do my IC today....
and guess what!!!
i just realize that my chinese name...
was written wrongly!!!
Mrs Goh wants to view the
total defence day thing...
how...i haven't got anything ready at all....
ok lar i have but still....
work is piling up to my neck....
yi neng jing- yi qian bian wo ai ni
is awesome.....
love it....
still having trouble in school
with friends....
not that much but k...
a sufficent amt. to make remind me
that i'm not perfect somewhere....