This was how the story was told - Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I fought with my brother today...
sometimes he is just so irritating...
i can't stand him...

Sometimes he likes to play...
Then sometimes he ask me to go away....
What does he take me as...
a toy...
when he's happy...
he expects me to play with him...
when he's not happy...
he expects me to just DISSAPPEAR!!!

and he keeps using my account in
"HIS" com as a threat...
saying that if i continue to
he'll have to cancel my account...

does he really think that it matters...
For goodness sake...
does he think that i'm so shallow...
that i'll go onto my KNEES and beg him not to...

i'll just use another one lor....
it's not like i have only one com in the house....
i just use it out of convienience sake...
coz it almost on 24 hr...

I bet that you think that he's my older bro...
he's younger, pampered and a spoilt brat...
I don't care how others say thyat i should
give in to him...
I am so not!!!
He is so irritating...

pss...i'm not writing this behind his back ok...
he's right beside me and it's not my fault
that he's not looking...

sighning off...
the evil sister!!!!
I fought with my brother today...
sometimes he is just so irritating...
i can't stand him...

Sometimes he likes to play...
Then sometimes he ask me to go away....
What does he take me as...
a toy...
when he's happy...
he expects me to play with him...
when he's not happy...
he expects me to just DISSAPPEAR!!!

and he keeps using my account in
"HIS" com as a threat...
saying that if i continue to
he'll have to cancel my account...

does he really think that it matters...
For goodness sake...
does he think that i'm so shallow...
that i'll go onto my KNEES and beg him not to...

i'll just use another one lor....
it's not like i have only one com in the house....
i just use it out of convienience sake...
coz it almost on 24 hr...

I bet that you think that he's my older bro...
he's younger, pampered and a spoilt brat...
I don't care how others say thyat i should
give in to him...
I am so not!!!
He is so irritating...

pss...i'm not writing this behind his back ok...
he's right beside me and it's not my fault
that he's not looking...

sighning off...
the evil sister!!!!

This was how the story was told - Friday, November 10, 2006

Boring Boring Boring.....
The holidays are driving me crazy!!!
Let's not even put my parents in the picture!!!
I even have a time-table!!!
I'm going crazy with boredem soon...

I'm going to Malacca soon...
With Kristiie and my bro and Him...
so...p(^^)q jia you!!!
Can ren then better ren...

Wish me luck!!!

This was how the story was told - Thursday, November 09, 2006

since now i can write on my blog...
i'd thought that i'd better write all at once...
some i
This is what i learnt from watching
it's very nice...go watch!(youtube)

p(^^)q [all the way!!!]

(^^)v [Ya!!!]

(T_T) [cryin]

(6_9) [confused]

(O-O) [nerd]

(O_O) [surprised]

(>_<) [pain]

(*_*) [dazed]

($_$) [money lover]

(._.) [ bored]

\(^0^)/ [happy]

(~_~) [xian]

(- -) [diao]

This is for my darling squiddy!!!
DBS-Life Is Beautiful
In the morning...
I feel the breeze...
The sun washes over me...

The sound of water...
the crashing sea...
Is it only me...

that feels alive...
Its all ahead on me...
Cause it feels so right...
Jus open your eyes and see that...

Life is beautiful [so beautiful]...
It's beautiful to me... (x2)

Life can take you anywhere...
You don't know where it leads you...
But you know you're not alone...
Just open your eyes and see that...

by: Spongebob squarepants :D

This song is dedicated to all...
specially to those who feel that
life is meaningless...
go listen to this song...
hope you feel better...
Good Luck in finding your meaning in life...
wish luck to myself too...
Got scolded again today...
Coz i rolled my eyes....
I must learn to control my facial expressions...

I really believed that my parents
don't understand me at all....
I used to think that no matter what
my parents would understand me...

i dunno...
I doesn't seem that way at all...
They seem so far...
I don't even know them anymore...

It's so sad..
How people so close to each other
can misundrstand each other
at all...
This is what i feel like shouting out loud!!!
But how???

I feel so trapped...caged....suffocated....
Somebody...anybody....give me advice....
I need somebody to lean on...
Who can be my pillar....
My shoulder...
My strength....

Ya Ya...I know GOD.....
But he seems so far away....
I feel like crying...
I must be strong...
after all...

I've locked these feelings up for so many years...
I've never let anyone know...

when i liked someone....
no one could or would know...

when i felt unhappy...
non could or would feel...

When i felt like crying...
I would always put up a brave front...

There was always some one else
who needed to lean on me...
who needed my help...
I was always the older sister...
The pillar..
The shoulder...

you know...
I need a shoulder to lean on too...
It used to be my Dad's...
Ya...i know...

I used to love it...
To be able to see my Dad...
every morning and night...
When he left for buisness trips...
i would cry...
I'd admit it...

and proud of it too!!!

some how...
That feeling turned into

i can't wait for him to get out of the house...
i don't want him to return so early anymore...
i don't like this feeling....
It doesn't seem right...
A family isn't supposed to feel this way...

I'm not sure of anything anymore...
Are things the way it's meant to be...
why did things turn out this way...
whose fault is it...

because i didn't open up myself...
because i didn't let them be sure of what i'm thinking...
because i didn't stay the same...
because i didn't do things the way i used to...
because i didn't keep my thoughts to myself...

Why do they say that you're good one moment..
and turn around to say that you're not behaving well...
How do they measure...
How do they know....
they say that they understand...

but are they sure...
can they still remember...
Is it the same...
Questions that no one knows...
They only know what they think is good for you...
but do they really know what you feel...
what goes through your mind....
do they see it from your point of veiw..

does it become what it has always been..
all along and will always be...
They say say you listen...
If you even try to tell them how you feel...
It gets cut off...
and slowly turns into a debate...

who will win???
Them of course...
who else...
after all...
they're the one that has the money...

Money is not everything...
But without money you can do nothing...


This was how the story was told - Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Sweet memories...
Of when I was young....
It felt so free...
To sleep late and arise late...
It was a pleasure to me...

It's a horror to me...
Now that I'm older...
My parents say...
The importance of holidays...
To my studies...

Sweet memories....

My little shitty poem on holidays....
don't know if you all feel the same?

My miserable life has just turned
even more miserable in the holidays....
How sad....
I'm grounded from going out...
grounded from TVs....
How worse can it get...
i'm training to be a little GOOD girl...
Woe me....
Blessed Holidays People!!!