It's now or never
Now, more than ever
I need Your strength oh Lord
I need You beside me
walking with me each step of the way
protect me from harm
help me overcome.
I am leaving this place now
letting go of all my fears
saying good-bye to the memory
I hold dear
I've never thought it would be this hard
It seems to be standing alone
Against the cold bitter wind
and as everything is threatened
you become at loss of what to do
what to think
what to say.
I can finally breath again
its a new day fair well past
as I close this chapter
I set free at last
It's come to a cross point
and i don't want to do anything else
than carry out Your plan on my life
so take over Lord
Dictate my life, help me
I made up my mind
there's no turning back
the past is behind me
there's no looking back
I'm looking forward not behind-
I've made a decision
I give you my life
No one ever said it's gonna be easy
but i never knew it would be this hard
but even though everyone else says otherwise
i'll still have to go on
Every step I take is new
I found courage to go on
though its rough sometimes
I still have to be strong
Lord, send me Your grace and power
to continue every step of the way
i do enjoy it
and i'll never regret it
but i'm so tired, so so tired.
I may have to walk alone
but the One who live inside
me is always there to comfort and to guide
So as sunlight breaks
as each new day draws closer
i'll continue to pray
and may god fill me
each day
I can see the sun breaking through the clouds
lifting my hands cause I'm all right now
I can shout about it
I can laugh about it
I can talk about it
This is my prayer for today
no matter how much i feel like crying
i'll hold back because there are
better use for these tears
I'll grit my teeth and show them
WHO CAN BE AGAINST ME- romans 8: 31