i've never been so tired before
so sick and tired
but hang in there
I say to myself
2 more months.
just 2 more months
Over all the Earth
You reign on high
Every mountain stream
every sunset sky
But my one request
Lord my only aim
Is that you reign in me again
I need all the help that I can get
I need more strength from God
more than I would ever imagine
I surrender all.
Lord reign in me
Reign in your power
Over all my dreams
In my darkest hour
You are the Lord of all I am
So won't you reign in me again
I don't ask for much
Just for God to stand beside me
for God to lead me
I know that I haven't been
living life with him.
I'm sorry.
and now i'm heading back
to where He has always been
Over every thought
Over every word
May my life reflect
the beauty of my Lord
'Cause you mean more to me
than any Earthly thing
So won't you reign in me again
Help me
Help him
Cause everytime i'm busy he suffers
I'm sorry. I'm thankful. and
I love you.
My prayer for the day:
please hold my hand each and every step
on this tiring and difficult path
May YOU fill me each and everyday
with your love and power and grace
to walk every bit of this journey
May you cover me with your blood
and keep me safe always
keep me in your arms and your embrace
Lord please don't let me out of your sight
Keep me in your circle of protection.
and for him Lord,
please bless his heart
his loving and caring heart
that makes me so happy each time i'm sad.
Send him an angel to help him
in times of need
just like you have sent him to me.