This was how the story was told - Saturday, April 28, 2007

Wow!!! this month has passed like a MRT train!
Fast!!! hahas
yeaterday was sports day and
i shouted like shit
so now my voice is now hoarse,
horse haha...

it rain real heavy so thank
God we were able to carry out
sports day
real sad that blue hse didn't win
everyone in the comm was crying
but i didn't....good/bad?

i like Arashi now...
crazy bout Jap...might be
short lived...not sure...
but live the moment right?

realized that Cassandra nows KK.
how small can singapore get!
no wait they got to know each
other on maple so...
how small can maple get...

happy these few days...
except when with my parents
or with my siblings...
naughty me?? i don't think so
cos it's exam week for them
so it's really irritating to have
to give in to them cos they're having
freaking EXAMS!!!!
