Cute right???
i'll put the song up one day...
Tank sang it so credit
should go to him too...
His songs are all really nice...
His looks are not bad too....
my frens all call me Hua Chi...
looks like it huh...hahs
Guess what!!!
my class won this chinese debate!!!
i know that you might say
:"so what!"
I'll tell you what!
There's this girl called Nuo Yi...
and this lame teacher said that
she can't debate!!!Hah
what rubbish!
She got so upset that she cried...
i felt so sad for her...
they say that it's unfair to
have China ppl in a chinese debate...
but i think that china ppl will
improve our Singapore chinese
and Singapore will become a all rounded
anyways...She became the best speaker
for todays debate!!!
I was so happy for her!!!
She totally deserves it...
Love you girl...
This proves that An obstacle
can improve a person....
Strive on girl!!!
I'll be here for you always...