This was how the story was told - Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Today was Day of Reflection...
Some missionaries came to my school...
And told us to say sorry to those who
we did wrong to....

I was praying for sth like this for 3 mths or so....
God blessed me and it really came!!!
I hugged all my friends...and totally brokedown...
when i hugged Ser Min...again...

I managed to say sorry to know...
i wrote that thing on her we're ok now...
i would have said sorry to Val...
except that the teacher told us to seat down ready...
so i didn't know if she would forgive me...

Yeh!!! tomorrow is a holiday!!!
i might be able to go out...

Kang2 is now my Kor...
and Abel is now my di
but i would prefer it if he was my Kor...
coz he is really older than me mah...